Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Challenges facing Siaya land for sale

Siaya is typically a place with great potentials of growing and developing. This truly is evident since its main economic activity being fishing. With the fishing alone Siaya can change to some well-developed place. The trouble however is because almost all these are not given considerations. For example, still with that fishing as the main economic activity, anyone can set up hotel businesses just around the lake and also improve the beach plots then do beach investments. If these can get done, there could be a very low percentage of those who still can be talking of poverty.

Now, the following are just some of the challenges Siaya land for sale faces.

· Poor infrastructure: investment cannot be straightforward if infrastructure is poor. It is because many times there is going to be transportation of goods from in and out of the town, so in the event that infrastructure is not improved to a better condition, it is undoubtedly evident that the goods will certainly be damaged during transportation. Siaya land for sale faces this challenge since roads connecting to it are in poor conditions.

· Land acquisition process being very cumbersome: nothing frustrates like looking for a way to secure a land and it takes much time. The process of acquiring Siaya land for sale takes long until some clients choose to turn away completely. It would certainly be better if it would take a little shorter time, as some of these would-be buyers also have some other sort of stuffs to look after.

· Insufficient support from the county government: the county government is so reluctant in supporting Siaya land for sale. There are many cases where their intervention is really needed, for example in developing sewers, improving roads for easy transportation, and even in offering financial aids to the locals who probably wish to do investments.

· High interest rates from the banks: many locals, for instance, feel much disappointed in the manner the banks treat them. When they go to these banks to take loans for investments purposes, they are given at high rates. This discourages a number of them until they prefer to back off. This also has been counted as a major setback.

· Insecurity: insecurity is actually another major challenge that Siaya land for sale is facing as not even one investor would like to do investments where there’s rampant insecurity. If this can be handled then most people would venture into investments, including the locals also.

It is therefore my wish that the concerned parties may do something concerning this so that investment can pick up in Siaya land for sale.

You can read more of this at www.westkenyarealestate.com

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